[Tutor] logic testing

Andrei Kulakov ak@silmarill.org
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 15:36:06 -0400

On Thu, Jul 11, 2002 at 10:55:18AM -0700, Baker.Michael wrote:
> i'm working with a game engine and would like a way to test "game logic"
> with python.  the game engine runs as fast as it can - in the range of 30 -
> 100 frames per second. how can I make a python program that will run as fast
> as it can and still receive keyboard input?
> i cannot make loops work because attempts to capture raw_input() stall the
> loop.
> i have not tried the cmd module - perhaps this will work????
You can use threads - one thread captures user input, the other one
shows stuff; you can also use select module but it's extremely
confusing, to me at least.

> thanks,
> michael
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