[Tutor] bug hunting again

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Mon, 8 Jul 2002 12:40:50 -0700 (PDT)

> If you're stuck using 1.52 and can't upgrade to a newer version, then you
> may need to reword things.  The equivalent way of saying:
>     if username.lower() in "kyle jason chelsea john cheryl".split():
> in 1.52 style would be:
>     if string.lower(username) in \
>         string.split("kyle jason chelsea john cheryl")
> (The line was getting long, so I use a "continuation" character '\' here
> to tell Python that there's more stuff on the next line.)

Oh, one other thing: if you do the above, you'll need to put the line:

import string

at the top of your program, so that Python knows that when we say
'string', we mean the standard 'string' library:


Hope this helps!