[Tutor] solution to dynamic proxy in python

Ashish asis@graffiti.net
Sat, 06 Jul 2002 21:00:14 +0545

well, i think i have my answer. i saw the special function __getattr__
but did not think it would work for functions too.

anyway, as i was scanning through thinking in python by bruce eckel i
found an implementation of dynamic proxy. cool!

i am really looking forward to thinking in python. i think it will be
one of the coolest python book.

anyway to all who want to see an example:

class RealClass:
      def func1(self):
          print 'func1@RealClass'

      def func2(self, arg):
          print 'func2@RealClass with arg:', arg

class Proxy:
      def __init__(self):
          self.__real = RealClass

      def __getattr__(self, name):
          return getattr(self.__real, name)
