[Tutor] ftp and python enabled editor

dman dsh8290@rit.edu
Thu, 24 Jan 2002 18:34:25 -0500

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 11:37:42AM -0500, Pijus Virketis wrote:
| Hi all, 
| A quick question about the tools of programming. I remember the long
| discussion a few months ago about editors: my requirements are much
| narrower here. Is there a program that can open and save files via
| FTP on a remote location, supports Python syntax highlighting and
| works on Windows? I usually use SciTE or just good old IDLE, but
| neither can do FTP ...

vim (or gvim if you want a gui)



Many a man claims to have unfailing love,
but a faithful man who can find?
        Proverbs 20:6