[Tutor] Re: How to avoid socket timeout

Matthew miracle@paradise.net.nz
Fri, 25 Jan 2002 10:28:00 +1300

I think theres something in the windows registry, and also in the API. It's
called Time To Live (TTL) this won't help much with time out but it'll
reduce the chances of it happening.

If I remember rightly, when a socket in Windows is trying to connect, it
sends 4 connection request packet thingies, with a certain time between
them, and if it doesn't receive an acknoledge packet, it times out.

Each time a packet passes through a router, it's TTL (Time to Live) is
decremented, if there's a blockage or bad routes, the packet might have to
take an extra long route to get to the other computer. If you increase the
TTL, this will stop timeout's in this situation.

Also sometimes timeouts are caused by [cable] modems dialling, or sleeping
equipment waking up. To avoid this, just eat the first couple of exceptions
and try again ;)


----- Original Message -----
From: "A" <printers@sendme.cz>
To: <python-list@python.org>; <tutor@python.org>;
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 10:11 AM
Subject: How to avoid socket timeout

> Hi,
> I use httplib modul and sometimes, if my dial up connection is
> slow, receive
> error: (10060, 'Operation timed out')
> How can I increase the timeout?
> Thank you for help.
> Ladislav
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