[Tutor] ftp and python enabled editor

Gouveia, John M W44 John.Gouveia2@CIGNA.COM
Thu, 24 Jan 2002 12:33:29 -0500

Try UltraEdit, you can syntax highlight anything, has a built in ftp client,
tons of features.  It's only windows and not free but its only @ $30.

  John Gouveia
  CIGNA HealthCare IM&T
   IM Release 2 Decision Support Services

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> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Pijus Virketis [SMTP:virketis@fas.harvard.edu]
> Sent:	Thursday, January 24, 2002 11:38 AM
> To:	tutor@python.org
> Subject:	[Tutor] ftp and python enabled editor
> Hi all, 
> A quick question about the tools of programming. I remember the long
> discussion a few months ago about editors: my requirements are much
> narrower here. Is there a program that can open and save files via FTP on
> a remote location, supports Python syntax highlighting and works on
> Windows? I usually use SciTE or just good old IDLE, but neither can do FTP
> ...
> Cheers, 
> Pijus

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