[Tutor] What would be the best tutorial?

Johannes Gijsbers Johannes Gijsbers <Taradino@subdimension.com>
Mon, 21 Jan 2002 02:44:23 +0100

JG> I want to learn python quickly and easily. And if it helps any, I'm 14 years
JG> old. So what would be the best tutorial for me?

it depends. Do you know any programming languages yet? If you do, I would just
recommend the python tutorial in the documentation by Guido van Rossum, the
creator of Python.
If you don't, take a look here:

Of these, I would recommend Alan Gauld's tutorial:

Of course, if you have some money to spend(or can get you parents to spend some
money for you ;), you should try buying the book bij Alan Gauld: