[Tutor] error trap

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Sun, 20 Jan 2002 16:55:36 -0000

> > Exception enception e:

except Exception, e

except => the python keyword
Exception => the type of exception, in this case 
             everything descended from class 'Exception' 
             which is all of them
e => the Exception instance representing the actual error

> Now that you know about this, it's important to say that is 
> usually not such a good idea to have a catch-all unless 
> the situation requires it.

Personally I nearly always do use a catch all at the top 
level of my program. That's just to stop end users seeing 
anything horrible like a python stack trace, during 
development it's commented out. In Kirk's case the end 
users won't see it so he doesn't need it.

Alan G.