[Tutor] Ethics in programming

kirk Bailey idiot1@netzero.net
Wed, 16 Jan 2002 14:29:41 -0500

Gang, I still amd thinking about how to handle large lists. and how to
impede spam.

I can use a method of a second alias to sent out the large list, and
the original list is simply the address for that alias. TL become in
effect a message processor, and the second alias handles the huge
outbound list transmission. This is the method used by majordomo.
However,  that second alias is totally open to spam input.

This uses the sendmail function :include: which when aliases are
compiled by sendmail, includes the reference to the subscriber file in
it's definition.

such looks rather like:


If you ever built a sendmail or a majordomo list, you know the
species. It is WIDE OPEN to spam input. This is why I considered a
guardian program, but that slows things down again! This is not a
normal consideration, but if someone wants to offer an Ezine with
50,000 readers, it get's rather important.

Another correspondant wrote to me showing me how to directly talk to
sendmail and issue it commands and information, and this looks
intresting; I have to go read that manual MORE and mess with Critter's
mind some more andsee what happens. IF I implode, you know I flipped
the wrong switch.


              -Kirk D Bailey 
               Consulting Loose Cannon


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