[Tutor] Storing source files

Kirby Urner urnerk@qwest.net
Tue, 15 Jan 2002 22:48:48 -0800

At 01:09 PM 1/16/2002 +0800, Paul Hartley wrote:
>I would be interested to hear how experienced programmers organise their 
>source files and libraries in python. I don't know of one book that deals 
>with this question - they all assume files are stored in some root directory.

Actually, as of recent Pythons, there's some emphasis on using
/Lib/site-packages for 3rd party and user-defined code.

>A related issue is how would you organise your modules and classes - all 
>in one library directory or would you use some directory structure.
>Given you have developed a whole pile of classes or modules, how are these 
>documented so you can find the one you need when you need it? No one likes 
>documentation and it always gets out of date - I realise I am searching 
>for the holy grail with this one!!

The package structure has been useful -- grouping modules together
in a subdirectory and treating these as a unit via __init__.py is
an important organizational strategy.
