[Tutor] How powerful is Python?

Andy W toodles@yifan.net
Wed, 16 Jan 2002 10:09:07 +0800

> and go down to the bottom "Edit Options" form, you can set this option.
> This will still allow you to send messages to Tutor, but you won't hear
> the "background noise" from the list.  If tutors are careful to use
> Reply-to-all, you should still receive personal emails from people who
> want to answer your questions.

Whoops, I'll stop removing the extra name occasionally. I didn't know anyone
didn't like the "background noise" as Danny puts it ;-)

> Personally, though, I like hearing background noise.  You'll never know if
> you're missing something useful!  Plus hearing --- excuse me, seeing! ---
> other people's questions and comments can be really helpful while learning
> a language.

Yup, I agree with this. It helped me no end: I lurked a lot for about half a
year to a year, and used to ask the odd question (sometimes they were pretty
odd ;-)). Now I answer  a whole lot more questions than I ask (albeit
sometimes badly).
