[Tutor] tinylist.1.0.0.tar.gz

kirk Bailey idiot1@netzero.net
Sat, 12 Jan 2002 02:29:22 -0500

Well, I think I did it right. Got the docs together, wapped into a
tarball, crunced with gzip, made ~.tar.gz file. As working with tar
and gzip are rather new to me ( I tend to use pkzip/unzip for widows)
anyone ant a copy? Email me off list and I will send it direct.

Registered the name tinylist.org, have the basic domain structure set
up on the server. Waiting for the name to infect nameserver space,
then will be able to offer support and sources on site.

EVERY ONE OF YOU who helped this effort is thanked, and ALL of you are



              -Kirk D Bailey

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              Kirk Bailey, consulting loose cannon

www.howlermonkey.net                 highprimate@howlermonkey.net
http://gipco.webjump.com                       idiot1@netzero.net 
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