[Tutor] Utter newbie question

Willem de Beer Willem de Beer" <awuli@xtra.co.nz
Thu, 10 Jan 2002 08:18:41 +1300

Scroll down for the dir c:\python21\dlls outout. 
Best regards

> > Uhm... betraying my recent history: How do I "pipe" the 
> > output to a text file in Windows?
> In a DOS box:
> C:\> dir c:\python21 > py21.txt
Volume in drive C has no label
 Volume Serial Number is 1360-14D9
 Directory of C:\Python21

.              <DIR>        01-03-02 11:01a .
..             <DIR>        01-03-02 11:01a ..
DOCUME~1       <DIR>        01-03-02 11:01a Documentation
DOWNLO~1       <DIR>        01-03-02 11:01a Downloads
WIN32C~1       <DIR>        01-03-02 11:01a win32comext
LIB            <DIR>        01-03-02 11:01a Lib
WIN32COM       <DIR>        01-03-02 11:01a win32com
TOOLS          <DIR>        01-03-02 11:01a Tools
WIN32          <DIR>        01-03-02 11:01a win32
PPM      LOG             5  07-26-01  2:50p PPM.LOG
TCL            <DIR>        01-03-02 11:01a tcl
INCLUDE        <DIR>        01-03-02 11:01a include
PYTHON~1       <DIR>        01-03-02 11:01a Pythonwin
AS_PYDOC       <DIR>        01-03-02 11:01a as_pydoc
LIBS           <DIR>        01-03-02 11:01a libs
PPM            <DIR>        01-03-02 11:01a PPM
PYC      ICO           766  07-26-01 11:33a pyc.ico
CHANGE~1 TXT           874  07-26-01 11:33a changes-ActivePython.txt
PPD      ICO         3,310  07-26-01 11:33a ppd.ico
PYTHON   EXE        20,566  07-26-01 11:39a python.exe
DLLS           <DIR>        01-03-02 11:01a DLLs
RELEAS~1 HTM        19,556  07-26-01 11:33a RELEASE.html
LICENSE  TXT         9,844  07-26-01 11:33a license.txt
PYTHONW  EXE        20,567  07-26-01 11:39a pythonw.exe
W9XPOPEN EXE        16,384  07-26-01 11:39a w9xpopen.exe
PPM      PTH             3  07-26-01 11:33a PPM.pth
PY       ICO           766  07-26-01 11:33a py.ico
SUPPORT        <DIR>        01-03-02 11:02a Support
PYPPM    PY          1,506  07-26-01  2:49p pyppm.py
PYCON    ICO           766  07-26-01 11:33a pycon.ico
PYPPM    BAT           290  07-26-01 11:33a pyppm.bat
FFT            <DIR>        01-07-02 11:16a FFT
MA             <DIR>        01-07-02 11:16a MA
NUMERIC        <DIR>        01-07-02 11:16a Numeric
RNG            <DIR>        01-07-02 11:16a RNG
NUMERIC  PTH             9  01-09-02  6:20p Numeric.pth
SCIPY-~1 LOG       183,719  01-09-02  6:21p SciPy-wininst.log
REMOVE~1 EXE        18,432  01-09-02  6:20p RemoveSciPy.exe
GUI_TH~1       <DIR>        01-07-02 12:09p gui_thread
SCIPY          <DIR>        01-07-02 12:09p scipy
NUMERI~1 LOG         2,418  01-09-02  3:38p Numeric-wininst.log
REMOVE~2 EXE        18,432  01-09-02  3:38p RemoveNumeric.exe
        19 file(s)        318,213 bytes
        23 dir(s)     695,775,232 bytes free

> C:\> dir c:\python21\dlls > dlls.txt

 Volume in drive C has no label
 Volume Serial Number is 1360-14D9
 Directory of C:\Python21\DLLs

.              <DIR>        01-03-02 11:01a .
..             <DIR>        01-03-02 11:01a ..
MMAP     PYD        24,576  07-26-01 11:39a mmap.pyd
PYEXPAT  PYD        32,855  07-26-01 11:39a pyexpat.pyd
UNICOD~1 PYD       212,992  07-26-01 11:39a unicodedata.pyd
SELECT   PYD        20,566  07-26-01 11:39a select.pyd
_SRE     PYD        49,236  07-26-01 11:39a _sre.pyd
_TESTC~1 PYD        20,480  07-26-01 11:39a _testcapi.pyd
PARSER   PYD        41,046  07-26-01 11:39a parser.pyd
TK83     DLL       950,272  07-26-01 11:37a tk83.dll
XMLTOK   DLL        81,920  07-26-01 11:33a xmltok.dll
WINSOUND PYD        20,480  07-26-01 11:39a winsound.pyd
_SYMTA~1 PYD        20,480  07-26-01 11:39a _symtable.pyd
BSDDB    PYD        82,005  07-26-01 11:39a bsddb.pyd
_TKINTER PYD        28,760  07-26-01 11:39a _tkinter.pyd
ZLIB     PYD        61,524  07-26-01 11:39a zlib.pyd
TCL83    DLL       483,328  07-26-01 11:35a tcl83.dll
XMLPARSE DLL        53,248  07-26-01 11:33a xmlparse.dll
_SOCKET  PYD        36,951  07-26-01 11:39a _socket.pyd
_WINREG  PYD        36,864  07-26-01 11:39a _winreg.pyd
MULTIA~1 PYD        32,768  10-30-00 10:21p multiarray.pyd
        19 file(s)      2,290,351 bytes
         2 dir(s)     695,771,136 bytes free