[Tutor] Can gvim60win32 be used in pace of IDLE?

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Wed, 9 Jan 2002 17:37:41 -0000

> I've had gvim for a while now, and it's a nice editor.

Yes, it's been my preferred editor on Windows for a long 
time, the latest release(v6.x) with folding etc is just great!

> use it instead of IDLE?

As an editor yes, it has a syntax mode to colorize the code.
It won't run the programs like IDLE will you have to keep 
a Python box open(maybe IDLE) or just run the program 
from a DOS prompt:

ie while editing  foo.py in gvim have a DOS window open 
and use:

C:\> python foo.py

DOSKEY or F3 will recall the last line so you just 
keep hitting F3<RETURN> and watch the results.

Its actually my normal way of working for big 
programs and for any Tkinter work.

> Edit with gvim

Likewise and its really good to have the two edit 
options, one linked to IDLE and the other to vim.

Alan G.