[Tutor] TLlistmaster

kirk Bailey idiot1@netzero.net
Wed, 09 Jan 2002 01:27:59 -0500

OK, found a couple of easy to miss typos, and a set of added
quotemarks which turned a variable name into a literal with
devistating results- that strange list of all the pendings was because
it was reading the actual pending file due to the added quotes,
instead of referring to the CONTENT! Only got one bug showing now, and
this appears to be either a file creation bug adding an extra CRLF to
the subwcriber file, which confuses the membership test, or I made a
mistake when editing the file- and I suspect it's the former, still
chasing it down.



              -Kirk D Bailey

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              Kirk Bailey, consulting loose cannon

www.howlermonkey.net                 highprimate@howlermonkey.net
http://gipco.webjump.com                       idiot1@netzero.net 
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