[Tutor] A small math puzzle [recreational Python]

Kirby Urner urnerk@qwest.net
Sat, 05 Jan 2002 12:18:13 -0800

>If you are going to add code that will break when a newbie tries to
>put it into a file and run it, make sure that you say which version you
>are using.
>   -Arcege

OK.  I generally assume that a newbie has no ties to the
past and will naturally want to use the latest and
greatest Python.

But I should be explicit about this assumption:  i.e.
advice to all newcomers:  don't waste your time with anything
less than Python 2.1, if you're not locked into such a
restriction by your paying job.

In particular, my Fraction object was written using the
2.2 release (no longer in beta).
