[Tutor] Inheritance Question

Sheila King sheila@thinkspot.net
Sun, 24 Feb 2002 19:12:33 -0800

On Sun, 24 Feb 2002 22:02:35 -0500, "Joel Ricker" <joejava@dragoncat.net>  wrote about [Tutor]
Inheritance Question:
> Now my understanding is -- and I guess I'm wrong -- is that 
> POP3Search will inherit the attributes of POP3 so that getwelcome() 
> when run will: Look in the child -- since none found, look in the 
> parent -- executes that and returns the result.  getwelcome 
> returns self.welcome -- self in this case being the parent.  
> Since welcome isn't found in the current class (POP3Search), 
> find it in the parent (POP3).  Any case I'm getting an error that its not being found:

No, your understanding is correct. You just aren't subclassing the
POP3 init correctly.

Try this, instead:

class POP3Search(poplib.POP3):
	def __init__(self, host = "", port = 110):
		poplib.POP3.__init__(self, host, port)


Sheila King

"When introducing your puppy to an adult cat,
restrain the puppy, not the cat." -- Gwen Bailey,
_The Perfect Puppy: How to Raise a Well-behaved Dog_