[Tutor] Working with Email question [new 'email' module in Python 2.2]

Sheila King sheila@thinkspot.net
Sat, 23 Feb 2002 18:12:14 -0800

On Sat, 23 Feb 2002 20:17:04 -0500, Tim Peters <tim.one@comcast.net>
wrote about RE: [Tutor] Working with Email question  [new 'email' module
in Python 2.2]:

> Sheila, if you belive there's a bug, you should open a bug report. 
> A bug report doesn't need a lot of argument unless it proves to be
> controversial; but since you haven't yet gotten this to the author's
> attention, you can't yet know whether Barry will love or hate the complaint.
> It doesn't really matter what Oleg or I may think:  we're not the experts
> for this package.

OK, bug report opened.

Sorry for not handling this in the proper manner. I guess I was looking
for corroboration or comments or...heck...I dunno.

Sheila King

"When introducing your puppy to an adult cat,
restrain the puppy, not the cat." -- Gwen Bailey,
_The Perfect Puppy: How to Raise a Well-behaved Dog_