[Tutor] Python in 24 hours more like 24 years

Tim Johnson tim@johnsons-web.com
Wed, 20 Feb 2002 12:40:39 -0900

* Cameron Stoner <wolf_binary@hotmail.com> [020220 10:57]:
> To all people intested in getting a beginning book for Python who have never programmed before.
> Take my advice and buy the Python Pocket Reference, and Learn to Program Using Python by Alan Gauld.  
> I have the Python in 24 hours book, and it stinks.  I agree totally with Josh Gregorio on this.  
> I have tried using the 24 hours book and it is hard to understand and has much to be desired as far 
> as down to earth terms go for a non-programmer.  Alan Guald book is far better at telling how to get going.  
> You can download a free copy, not totally complete(but mostly), that helps a ton in the non-programmer department.  
> Just go the the python website under documentation. www.python.org

I've designed and am teaching an online class on python. I agree the "24 hours..." is
not for the new programmer. 

we are using Alan's book as the text.

I'm also recommending that students use Guido's tutorial. 
Nothin' like the source :>)

> Cameron Stoner

Tim Johnson <tim@johnsons-web.com>