[Tutor] Interesting development in Pythons status

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 11:38:31 -0000

I just received an invite to a conference sponsored by 
The Association of C & C++ Users(ACCU). It features such 
C++ luminaries as Bjarne Stroustrup and Jim Coplien as 
speakers so no lightweight event.

The really interesting part is that Days 2 and 3 have 
Python tracks featuring:

---- Day 2 ----
New Features in Python 2	- Duncan Booth
XML to PDF via Python	- Andy Robinson
Pythons XML tools		- Nicholas Chauvat
Python and small businessw clout   - Paul Brian

----- Day 3 ----
Distributed objects and Webv services in Python - Duncan Grisby
Python Web framework - Steve Holden
Zope 3 - Steve Alexander
Python/Database in a commercial environment - Dale Strickland-Clark
Introducing Python to Industry leader - Tim Couper

Some interesting talks by interesting names, looks like Python 
is really moving up a league. The only other non C++ languages 
to get tracks are Java and C#, two days and one day respectively...

Did anyone else see this? - and is anyone thinking of attending?
Its in the UK in April. Details at:

Alan g.
Author of the 'Learning to Program' web site