[Tutor] Shifts and DateTime problems

mikalzet@libero.it mikalzet@libero.it
Thu, 7 Feb 2002 01:20:53 +0100 (CET)

Well, by fumbling around I've finally reached this result:

class Shift:

    def __init__(self, name="None", worker="None", begin="None", end="None"):
        self.name = name
        self.worker = worker
        self.begin = begin
        self.end = end

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.name) + "\n" + str(self.worker)  + "\n" + str(self.begin) + " - " + str(self.end)

from mx.DateTime import *
import pgdb
db = pgdb.connect(database = 'turni')
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute('select * from shifts;')
shifts = cursor.fetchone()
pythonworker = shifts[0]
pythonname= shifts[3]
pythonbegin = DateTimeFrom(shifts[1])
pythonend = DateTimeFrom(shifts[2])
turno = Shift(name = pythonname, begin=pythonbegin.hour, end = pythonend.hour, worker = pythonworker)
print turno

Which gives me the following output:

7 - 13

So it seems most of the problems I was complaining about are solved.
It does seem sort of fumbling though ...
Any comments  ?

Michele Alzetta