[Tutor] newbie request for help in setting up emacs for python

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Mon Dec 30 13:59:01 2002

On 30 Dec 2002, ahimsa wrote:

> I'm totally unfamiliar with that complex beast called emacs (or xemacs)
> and need a guide for dummies on how to configure it so that I can use it
> for a python ide. Can someone point me in the right direction or specify
> some tips on how to do it.

Hi Ahimsa,

There are some instructions on setting up python-mode here:


The instructions there will set up Emacs so that, when we open up '.py'
files, Emacs will switch into python-mode automatically.

If you're trying to learn Emacs, you may find the embedded tutorial useful
--- try typing "C-h t"  (Control h, followed by a 't'), which should bring
it up.

Good luck to you!