[Tutor] script error question [checking for substrings]

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Tue Dec 17 07:24:02 2002

> But your split() alternative fails miserably if the substring 
> you're looking for contains spaces:
> >>> "hello world".find("o w")
> 4
> >>> "o w" in "hello world".split()
> 0

I meant to add to my last message that the find() solution is 
not without problems too. If you want to find a "word" rather 
than a partial word the splity() method works better:

>>> "Hell" in "Hello from Hell".split()
>>> "Hello from Hell".find("Hell") != -1
>>> "Hell" in "Hello from Heaven".split()
>>> "Hello from Heaven".find("Hell") != -1

Of course for this type of search a regular expression is 
probably better still!

Alan g.