[Tutor] Asterisk

Rob Andrews rob@uselesspython.com
Wed Dec 4 17:49:36 2002

Which fm are you citing here?

I don't doubt the quotation in the slightest, but don't recognize the


-----Original Message-----
At 06:48 PM 12/4/2002 -0330, Adam Vardy wrote:
> Why does this happen? It is a strange expression.
> >>> '%*.*f' % (6,3,1.41421356)
> ' 1.414'

That's what I'd expect. Did you rtfm?

"""A conversion specifier contains two or more characters and has the
following components, which must occur in this order:
1 The "%" character, which marks the start of the specifier.

<snip />

7 Conversion type."""

In your example there is (1) % (4) * (5) .* (7) f. What more can I say?

Bob Gailer