[Tutor] Beginner

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Tue Dec 3 05:49:04 2002

> Could you provide me with a selection of links to instructions to 
> learn how to use IDLE (Python GUI) please, so I can then learn 
> how to program using python.

First, let me say that learning IDLE is not necessary for learning Python.
I rarely use IDLE since for short programs I just use the Command window
(aka DOS prompt) and for longer programs I type them into vim(my text

However IDLE isn't a bad place for befgoinners to be so I suggest you 
visit the IDLE page on the Python web site. There you will find a link 
to Danny Yoo's excellent tutorial plus the full "user manual"

Then progress to the newbie section of the web site to find beginners 
tutorials for Python itself.

> My operating system is Microsoft XP Pro,.

So is (one of) mine :-)

Alan g.
Author of the 'Learning to Program' web site