[Tutor] Re: printing monetary values

Derrick 'dman' Hudson dman@dman.ddts.net
Mon, 26 Aug 2002 19:42:13 -0400

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On Mon, Aug 26, 2002 at 02:51:01PM -0700, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
| On Monday 26 August 2002 02:50 pm, Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:
| > I just know I've seen mention before of a library function that
| > properly formats money as a string, but I can't seem to find it
| > anywhere.  I want to receive a NUMERIC(15,2) data from a SQL database
| > (eg, 3275.68) and have it displayed as $3,275.68.  (dollar sign,
| > commas, and decimal)  I've searched the Vaults of Parnassus, the
| > 'locale' module, and comp.lang.python, but didn't find anything except
| > a few partial examples of how to implement it myself.
| import locale

| locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "") # sets locale to the currently defined
|                                              # value in the user's enviro=

| locale_info =3D locale.localeconv()
| currency =3D locale_info['currency_symbol']
| # now that we have the currency symbol we call locale.format()
| # to transform the number into a pretty string
| total =3D 3275.68
| print "total: %s%s\n" % (currency, locale.format("%0.2f", total, 1))

Bingo!  The line emphasized by the row of stars is the key to making
this actually work.  Thanks!


He who spares the rod hates his son,
but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.
        Proverbs 13:24

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