[Tutor] Lance E Sloan"help"

python python <python@inkedmn.net>
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 10:26:16 -0700


i added some stuff to that code, here it is:

def getStuff(file):
    info = open(file, 'r')
    infolines = info.readlines()
    linenum = 1
    totalwords = 0
    for line in infolines:
        words = line.split(' ')
        print "Line %d contains %d words" % (linenum, len(words))
        linenum += 1
        totalwords += len(words)
    print "Total lines:", linenum - 1
    print "Average words per line:", float(totalwords)/linenum - 1
file = raw_input("Enter the filename: ")

and here's what the output looks like:

C:\python wordcount.py
Enter the filename: gpl.txt
Line 339 contains 15 words
Line 340 contains 6 words
Line 341 contains 1 words
Total lines: 341
Average words per line: 8.88011695906

is that more like what you want?


M> Lance E Sloan

M> Hi 

M> No this is not a class im taking but my boss , he is a Delphi and Unix and python expert and he wants me to do this project
M> I have tried some code but cant seem to get started and by friday it must be done.

M> here is what i have 

M> # line/word counter  

M> def getStuff(file):
M>     info = open(file, 'r')
M>     infolines = info.readlines()
M>     linenum = 1
M>     for line in infolines:
M>         words = line.split(' ')
M>         print "Line %d contains %d words" % (linenum, len(words))
M>         linenum += 1

M> file = raw_input("Enter the filename: ")
M> getStuff(file)

M> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

M> here is what I need to do

M> c I need to reate a Python program that takes a text file and counts the number of
M> lines in the file, the number of words in a line and then produces a
M> summary.  The Output must look like this.

M> Enter file name:
>> testfile.txt

M> --------------------
M> 1      20 words
M> 2      25 words
M> 3      30 words
M> 4      25 words
M> --------------------
M> Summary:
M> 4 lines, 100 words, Avg: 25 words/line

M> Please let me know soon
M> Morne