[Tutor] A simple question

SA sarmstrong13@mac.com
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 10:58:16 -0500

On 8/12/02 1:25 PM, "Marc French" <mcfrench69@hotmail.com> wrote:

> I am running python 2.2 with Pythonwin on Windows 2000.
> I am a Visual Basic programmer. Do you recommend any good python books for
> someone not use to the command line coming from a visual language?

My first suggestion is Learning Python published by O'Reilly.

That book was weel thought out and organized so that even a newbie like
myself could understand. It also has the best example of Classes I've seen

Then, there is a plethora of tutorials on the net that can take you farther.

Good Luck.

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