[Tutor] new to this

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Mon, 12 Aug 2002 18:05:37 +0100

> Python books, Learn to Program Using Python 

Good choice ;-)

> my own programs involving AI, fractals, and what have you. 

AI can certainly be done although some advanced 
techniques are easier in languages like Prolog.
However the basic principles you learn in Python 
are usable in any other language.

Fractals are possible but don't expect blistering 
speed (unless you have a 2GHz P4 CPU and fast 
graphics card in which case they'll be fine!) 
But for experimentation Python is OK, and Ivan 
Laningham's book gives an example program 
- you can get the code from his web site...
I can't find the URL on Google - anyone with 
the book got it?

> have lots of annoying questions soon, 

That's what we are here for...

Alan Gauld
Author of the 'Learning to Program' web site