[Tutor] Tree?

SA sarmstrong13@mac.com
Fri, 09 Aug 2002 07:34:56 -0500

On 8/8/02 6:33 PM, "Don Arnold" <darnold02@sprynet.com> wrote:

> Remember, Google.com is your friend! ; ) This was the first hit I got when I
> searched on 'tkinter tree widget':
> http://www.esrf.fr/computing/bliss/guides/python/modules/Tree/Tree.html

Great start. Thanks.

Now let me ask you this. Have you heard of a tree module that does not
require Tkinter. Maybe one that can work with an html gui front-end?
There must be something that is not Tkinter specific since Zope has a tree
in it. Right?
