[Tutor] Tkinter-wxPython

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Tue, 6 Aug 2002 17:46:19 +0100

> what are the main differences between Tkinter and wxPython?

Tkinter is built on the Tcl/Tk GUI toolkit and wxPython 
is built on the wxWindows toolkits. They are completely 
different beasts. Its probably easier to say what they 
have in common!

They both implement the most basisc GUI widgets(labels, 
buttons, entry boxes, radio buttons, text boxes, menus etc)

They both are event driven. wxPython requires you to use 
an OOP approach Tkinter doesn't. wxPython uses a dispatch 
table, Tkinter doesn't. wxPython has more widgets (although 
Tkinter can be augmented via PMW) wxPython has more native 
look and feel. Tkinter arguably translates into Tcl and 
Perl more easily. Tkinter has (had?) slightly better support 
on the Mac. and so it goes on...

What specifically are you interested in?

Alan G.