[Tutor] Question about Python and Windows' Apps

Pijus Virketis virketis@post.harvard.edu
Mon, 5 Aug 2002 21:51:13 +0300

>>Although Mark Hammond will probably not agree I'd personally=
>>VBScript or even VBA from within Word to do this kind of=
>>Right tool for the job etc...

>Having written (admittedly smallish) scripts to autogenerate=
>spreadsheets from flat-file data in both VB and Python, I=
>prefer working in Python

Just to throw in my two cents here. :) 

Having worked a bit both with VB/VBA and Python, I would say that=
the extent of the project is wholly to do with Office objects and=
tasks, then VB is a reasonable alternative: it's probably just a=
matter of taste and existing skills.  

However, if the task involves bringing in non-Office data - a 
scientific instrument, command line optimisation software,=
 whatever - 
Python just makes things much easier. As Jeff mentioned, things=
tuples, lists and Python libraries are great "glue" tools.

Oh, and if you want to do OOP, VB is really not the best=
 language, to 
put it mildly. But that's a different subject, I guess. ;)



"Anyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic=
is, of course, living in a state of sin." -- John Von Neumann