[Tutor] Tkinter Editor [studying PythonCard's source?]

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Thu, 1 Aug 2002 13:28:15 -0700 (PDT)

On Wed, 31 Jul 2002, Dan Shafer wrote:

> Check out PythonCard (http://www.pythoncard.org), a GUI-creation tool
> being patterned after the mold of HyperCard and Visual Basic and built
> on top of wxWindows. While the current release ( is not
> commercial software and you need to understand Python coding a bit to
> get the most out of it, it's quite usable as it is. It comes with a ton
> of great samples (caveat..I wrote some of them!) and good (though
> incomplete) docs (another caveat...I wrote most of them).

Hi Dan,

Would it be ok if we took chunks of PythonCard and do critiques of the
code on Tutor?

There was a discussion a while back where some of us wanted to see
extended examples of Python code with explanations.


By doing so, we could see how Python could be used to build bigger and
better things, and how one could improve or edit code.  But we couldn't
decide on what to delve into.  PythonCard sounds like a fun project.

Best of wishes!