[Tutor] Perl refugee

Erik Price erikprice@mac.com
Sun, 28 Apr 2002 08:57:09 -0400

On Sunday, April 28, 2002, at 12:02  AM, dman wrote:

> In fact, now that I've started using Zope I would just use it instead.
> Just imagine -- each page template is an object unto itself and you
> can call them from python scripts and pass named (object, not just
> string) arguments.  To top it off, zope handles all the glue code for
> you!  This includes connections to RDBMSes and SQL Method objects.  It
> is _really_ sweet.  I know I'll never get into major CGI script
> writing now.  (I've only ever done trivial cgi scripts and didn't get
> past that.  Now I have no reason to learn.)

Yes, Zope sounds very cool but I have not had opportunity to check it 
out.  My PHP app is too mature to go back at this point (about ten 
thousand lines of code but that includes comments and whitespace), but 
Zope is the next web technology I plan to learn.
