[Tutor] 1 only book

Scot Stevenson scot@possum.in-berlin.de
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 20:47:35 +0200


> Yes, and if we are going outside Python, the one book *everyone*
> who writes code should have is Code Complete by McConnell.

I would like to second that. Based on a recommendation on this list, I 
went out and bought it, and it has helped a lot - in fact, I is on my list 
to go over /again/ and catch the stuff that I didn't get the first time. 

[I only have two gripes, none of which have to do with the content: First, 
nobody warned me it was published by Microsoft Press, which even caused my 
KDE-loving wife to snicker and point. Second, there is a careless mistake 
the German on page 157 [the word is /Benutzerfreundlichkeit/, without any 
dots - /Umlaute/ - above the first 'u']. --- Note to authors: If for some 
reason you feel absolutely compelled to use German words, please get them 
right, and don't just randomly insert Umlaute. The most amazing mistake 
I've found so far is in Bob Shaw's "Orbitsville", where he has 
/Liebensraum/ - 'room to love' - instead of /Lebensraum/ - 'room to live' 
- which I'm sure his Polish readers just love. Tom Clancy has one novel 
where the German is so bad (at least in the hard cover version) it ruins 
the whole book - you just can feel that he couldn't be bothered to check 
it, which makes you wonder about the technical "facts" he has.]

Oops, I'm ranting. Anyway, a very good book, and one I wish I'd had 

In contrast, I've had problems applying "Design Patters" to the real 
world. It might be my lack of programming experience or a firm computer 
science background, but I have trouble translating the abstract patterns 
into real code. I'm aiming to go over it again, too, when I have more 
hands-on experience.

Y, Scot