[Tutor] using class methods (security)

Karthik_Gurumurthy@i2.com Karthik_Gurumurthy@i2.com
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 07:24:17 +0530

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I have a few questions about this:

> (1) Looking over the documentation, I have noticed that in
> python 2.2, you have to subclass every class. If there is no
> super class to base your new class, then you have to use the
> default "(object)". Am I correct?

No. Actually you need to specify "object" as the super class only if you 
intend to use some nice
python2.2 features like properties etc.

Further, i noticed that having "object" @ the top gives the exact type of 
the object am working with.

But then, i guess, for a dynamically typed language like python, i s'd'nt 
be writing code based on the 
current type of the object!

Anyways I have done a cut-paste of an idle session..

Python 2.2.1 (#34, Apr  9 2002, 19:34:33) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
IDLE 0.8 -- press F1 for help
>>> class test:

>>> t = test()
>>> type(t)
<type 'instance'>
>>> class test(object):

>>> t = test()
>>> type(t)
<class '__main__.test'>

> (2) If I am right in number (1), then I really should get python
> 2.2. Otherwise, I will be writing code that will eventually be
> incompatible.

So if you don't plan to use python2.2 features, i guess most of your code 
s'd'nt break.
am not aware of subtle changes in the versions.


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<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">I have a few questions about this:<br>
&gt; (1) Looking over the documentation, I have noticed that in<br>
&gt; python 2.2, you have to subclass every class. If there is no<br>
&gt; super class to base your new class, then you have to use the<br>
&gt; default &quot;(object)&quot;. Am I correct?</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">No. Actually you need to specify &quot;object&quot; as the super class only if you intend to use some nice</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">python2.2 features like properties etc.</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">Further, i noticed that having &quot;object&quot; @ the top gives the exact type of the object am working with.</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">But then, i guess, for a dynamically typed language like python, i s'd'nt be writing code based on the </font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">current type of the object!</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">Anyways I have done a cut-paste of an idle session..</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">Python 2.2.1 (#34, Apr &nbsp;9 2002, 19:34:33) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">Type &quot;copyright&quot;, &quot;credits&quot; or &quot;license&quot; for more information.</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">IDLE 0.8 -- press F1 for help</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">&gt;&gt;&gt; class test:</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; pass</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">&gt;&gt;&gt; t = test()</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">&gt;&gt;&gt; type(t)</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">&lt;type 'instance'&gt;</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">&gt;&gt;&gt; class test(object):</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; pass</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">&gt;&gt;&gt; t = test()</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">&gt;&gt;&gt; type(t)</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">&lt;class '__main__.test'&gt;</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">&gt;&gt;&gt; </font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New"><br>
&gt; (2) If I am right in number (1), then I really should get python<br>
&gt; 2.2. Otherwise, I will be writing code that will eventually be<br>
&gt; incompatible.</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">So if you don't plan to use python2.2 features, i guess most of your code s'd'nt break.</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">am not aware of subtle changes in the versions.<br>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">regards,</font>
<br><font size=2 face="Courier New">karthik</font>
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