[Tutor] setting path

Kirby Urner urnerk@qwest.net
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 23:12:48 -0400

What you *can* do in the shell is go:

  >>> import sys
  >>> sys.path.append('/home/paul/python_lib')

and you'll be able to import modules from that directory
*for this session only*.  That's not what you're after, 
I realize, but sometimes useful to know.

> since $PYTHONPATH is not set up.

If you want to set up PYTHONPATH, consider adding something
like this to your .bash_profile or .bashrc


After making this change, going 

bash --login 

at the $ prompt should reinitialize your environment without 
necessitating logging out and back in again.  As a check,
now try 


Inside Python, the sys.path should remain the same (i.e. won't 
show the addition), but now you should be able to import modules 
from ~/python_lib as well.
