[Tutor] untar ?

ledirach@free.fr ledirach@free.fr
Tue, 16 Apr 2002 07:29:43 +0200 (MEST)


You may wanna try the tarfile module at http://www.gustaebel.de/lars/tarfile/

Still experimental, but I use it to tar files (not untarring 'em yet), and it 
works well. Same commands and interface that the zipfile standard module.

BTW: hello to all list members. I've only been snooping around for a while, but 
it teach a lot already :-)


>I'm running python 2.1c on windows 2000. What I would like to do is make a
>script that can automatically fetch a tar file via ftp and then untar it to
>a specified directory. I've already gotten the ftp function to work but
>unable to find anything on untaring the file. Can someone post for me an
>example of how this can be done? or point me toward the right direction? TIA