[Tutor] << operator ? [left bitwise shifting]

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Fri, 12 Apr 2002 11:43:14 +0100

> have you ever looked at the source code for Google pages?  
> Very little whitespace, no verbosity at all.  It's like 
> the opposite of XML 

Correct. Google is very popular because its fast. One 
reason its fast it they optimise the HTML they send 
so it doesn't hog bandwith sending unnecessary bytes.

Its a trait I commend to web designers everywhere!

If you are sending XML files around on a LAN then the huge 
bandwidth overhead (approximately 70% wasted bandwidth in 
XML over binary) is probably not an issue, if you are 
sending XML over the net remember that you are mostly 
just making a case for broadband!

Alan g.