[Tutor] Checking for Control Characters

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Mon, 8 Apr 2002 16:06:35 +0100

Dman sayeth:
> > I recommend using a regex instead of a linear search.  
> > It will likely be faster, 
Shiela replies:
> In Python, regex is not as fast as in Perl (I believe). 

This is irrelevant surely?
The question is whether Python re.search is faster than 
Python string.find or the 'in' operation. Dman suggests 
it is, I don't know. But comparisons with Perl are 
spurious surely? 

(FWIW They aren't much slower than Perl IME they just 
require a module import before use wheras Perl regex is 
builtin... - the old regex module of course is a different 

Alan g.