[Tutor] impact of OO

Andrei Kulakov ak@silmarill.org
Fri, 5 Apr 2002 18:38:17 -0500

On Thu, Apr 04, 2002 at 07:13:56PM -0500, Erik Price wrote:
> But everywhere I used to read about programming would talk about how OO 
Every book I've read said "You know how every book talks about how OO
revolutionized programming? It ain't true. OO is way helpful, but it's
not a panacea, in fact for some tasks it's not even the best strategy."

> had revolutionized programming.  Now that I know what it is, although I 
> really appreciate it and will use it whenever I can (it's so... clean 
> compared to what I was doing before), but I still don't really see how 
> it's that big a deal -- it's simply a different way of organizing code, 
> as far as I can tell.
It's more of a big deal with larger projects, I gather. You know, with
inheritance and what-not.

> Please prove me wrong and help me see how OO "changed everything".
> Erik
> PS:  Also, I have heard someone say that "in Java everything is an 
> object".  What does this mean?  I think I am interested in learning 
> Java, especially since there are many employers in my area (Boston) 
> advertising an interest in Java programmers (and I will be out of a job 
> as soon as my project is finished).  Sadly, much more than Python or 
> PHP.  But it seems like a big language to learn.
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