[Tutor] A couple beginner questions.

Eric Henry ehenry@imt.net
Mon, 24 Sep 2001 23:32:11 -0600

Hi there everyone.  I decided work on a small project to sort of get my 
feet wet in python and programming in general.  I've got a couple of 
quick questions for you all.  First, is there a built in way to apply 
some operation to each item in a list?  For example adding 2 to [1,2,3], 
and getting [3,4,5].

Second, I need to store some information from a table.  Each row has 3 
values.  Somewhat like this:

[1, 3, 4]
[2, 4, 5]
[3, 1, 1]

 From what I understand, a dictionary would let me assign each of those 
sets of information a key and retrieve them, but what I need to do is 
give it say 3 in the second column(the numbers aren't duplicated 
anywhere in each column) and have it return one or four.  I don't know 
how clear that all was, but hopefully someone has some idea what I'm 
talking aobut.

I guess that's it for now.  Anyway, if someone could give me some ideas 
on how to do these two things, I'd really appreciate it.  Thanks.


Eric Henry