[Tutor] Unpickleable object error

Sheila King sheila@thinkspot.net
Thu, 06 Sep 2001 12:25:21 -0700

OK, so I'm happy as a clam, shelving away my objects into a database
hash file.

I have this type of object:

class user:
    def __init__(self, id, passwd, email, mssgList, lastmssg, caller = None):
        self.lockfile = MutexFile.MutexFile('userdb.lck')
        self.myfilename = 'users'
        self.id = id
        self.passwd = passwd
        self.email = email
        self.mssgList = mssgList
        self.lasmssg = lastmssg

And another class, called mssgBoard, has this method:

    def addUser(self, user):
        userdb = shelve.open(user.myfilename, 'c')
        if not userdb.has_key(user.id):
            userdb[user.id] = user

And I'm running my script, and debugging it, and (it's a cgi script) I get
the typical 500 Internal Server error, and when I check my log files, this
is the error message:

Premature end of script headers: e:/apache/cgi-bin/pibby/init.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "e:\apache\cgi-bin\pibby\init.py", line 20, in ?
  File "e:\apache\cgi-bin\pibby\pbbclass.py", line 34, in addUser
    userdb[user.id] = user
  File "E:\PYTHON\PYTHON21\lib\shelve.py", line 76, in __setitem__
cPickle.UnpickleableError: Cannot pickle <type 'PyHANDLE'> objects

So, I'm thinking either I can't pickle/shelve this data class, as I have defined
it, or else I really don't know what the problem is.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to proceed?

Sheila King