Fwd: Re: [Tutor] concatenating two variables

Chris Keelan rufmetal@home.com
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 20:25:51 -0500

On Mon, 22 Oct 2001, tonycervone wrote:

>2 methods:


>>>variable1='good', variable2 = ('good', 'dog')

OOPS: that should be:

>>> variable1 = 'good' ; variable2 = 'dog'

I was trying to get fancy. You could always do it the safe way:

>>>variable1 = 'good'
>>>variable2 = 'dog'

>>>print variable1 + " " + variable2

good dog


>>print '%s %s" % (var1, var2)

good dog

> thanks.

No thank you for asking something I can answer!

- Chris
Wesley Chun's "Core Python Programming", Chapter 6 and counting!
