[Tutor] Re: Developing GUI-programs using IDLE

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Sun, 21 Oct 2001 22:49:46 +0100

> I wonder, if it would be possible to enhance IDLE 

There are folks working on making ID:E multi threaded, but...

> Or is this impossible because of inherent limitations to Tkinter?

...it doesn't help Tkinter because the limitation of 
one mainloop() is (I believe) in the underlying Tk toolkit 
not even in Tkinter.

BTW You can still use the interactive prompt to develop 
tkinter progs, you just have to use the command line 
version. If you use NT or Cygwin then you get the last 
command recall etc. So its quite usable...

Otherwise as already suggested use IDLE as editor and 
the command prompt for testing - F3 is your friend! :-)

Alan g