[Tutor] Help on Arrays?

Lloyd Kvam lkvam@venix.com
Fri, 19 Oct 2001 18:15:33 -0400

The nearest equivalent in Python are lists.

a = [ 'one','two','three' ] is a three item list.  The items can be accessed using array style indexing.  a[0] = 'one'.

Lists are zero based like your VB arrays.  Square brackets [] are used for indexing in Python, not parentheses () as in VB.

Lists are MUCH more flexible.  You now know what you are looking for in going through the tutorials, etc.

"Roger G. Lewis" wrote:
> Any reference to tutorial/examples on creation and use of *Arrays* in Python
> would be appreciated by this newbie. Have used them in BASIC so concepts are
> understood but details are not. Thanks.
> R. Lewis
> Ottawa, ON. Canada
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Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

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