SV: SV: [Tutor] Stuck with classes - events

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
Fri, 05 Oct 2001 13:03:24 -0700 (PDT)

On 05-Oct-2001 Danny Kohn wrote:
>| Fran: []For Sean
>| 'Shaleh' Perry
>| Skickat: den 5 oktober 2001 16:46
>| Till: Danny Kohn
>| Kopia: Python Tutor mailing list
>| Consider this.  When item A gets a Ctrl+Left click it tells its 
>| parent to make it the current object.
> And how is this "telling" done in practice in oop? I am very new to this.
> Again, yes this is what I want to do but I don't understand how to do it.
> Could you elaborate slightly? How do I transfer control the way you describe.
> Does it imply a special way of making classes and attributes?

I am not familiar with wxPython.  There should be a function call to give an
object input focus.  In my example, parent.givefocus() would call this
function.  This is not so much an OOP issue as it is understanding the
capabilities of the library you are using.