[Tutor] Doubt regarding frame...

jyothi Guruprasanna jyothi@ncoretech.com
Fri, 5 Oct 2001 17:58:50 +0530


	I am trying to put the the instances of a class which inherits from Frame
into root(Tk()).
I pack them using the pack option side=LEFT. I am able to place 3 instances
into root properly.
No problem till here. After this I want to pack a Pmw.ScrolledText object at
the bottom of the root . I am using pack option side=BOTTOM. But it is not
inserting the Pmw.ScrolledText object at the bottom. instead it is inserting
to the side.

	I want display with 3 instances of the class which inherits from Frame on
the top( side by side ) and one Pmw.ScrolledText object at the bottom of
them. what should I do for this. side=BOTTOM is not working...

Thanks and Regards,