[Tutor] PIL Install Question

dman dsh8290@rit.edu
Wed, 3 Oct 2001 15:53:16 -0400

On Wed, Oct 03, 2001 at 12:40:20PM -0400, Joel Ricker wrote:
| : Is he using Debian?  If he is try 'apt-get install python-imaging'
| : :-).  I don't know about the jpeg-6b package, but PIL is pre-packaged
| : for a number of linux distros.
| Hey dman and alll,
| As I was re-reading through the messages looking for some clue as to
| something else I could try. (bash ./configure didn't work:
| [jricker2@host jpeg-6b]$ bash ./configure
| : command not found
| : command not found
| : command not found
| : command not found
| : command not found
| '/configure: syntax error near unexpected token `do
| '/configure: ./configure: line 65: `do
| [jricker2@host jpeg-6b]$
| ) and I ran across the above.  

Hmm, bash doesn't like the script.  Either the script is buggy, or it
is corrupted, or that version of bash is old and/or buggy and maybe
missing some new features.

| Are you saying that it could be that they are possibly already done
| in distribution and I don't need to install?  There are a series of
| .pyc files in a directory called PIL.  Well there is only one way to
| find out and try it right :)  I just assumed that you would have to
| compile it since they give you the source to compile with or is the
| source provided for your own amusement/additions?

Normally for Unix-like systems the source is provided because it is
too hard for a developer to make a binary release for all the various
combinations of Unis OSes, hardware platforms, and library versions.
For most stuff it isn't too hard to compile anyways.  For Linux, the
binary packages are frequently under the
control/management/responsibility of the distribution.  For example,
RH (or others who want to volunteer) maintain the RPMs for RH and the
Debian Developers maintain the .deb for Debian.  For most stuff there
are binary packages available, but it various from distro to distro
and all releases of a distro may not be supported.  (Debian has,
unless I am mistaken, the most packages available when compared with
any other linux distro)
