[Tutor] PIL Install Question

Joel Ricker joejava@dragoncat.net
Tue, 2 Oct 2001 19:16:37 -0400

Hi all,

I got my web hoster to agree to install PIL plus the jpeg and PNG/Zlib
libraries for me so I can do image manipulation in Python.  I'm in a virtual
hosting environment and while the webmaster is great at maintaining accounts
and the basic day to day operation of web hosting, when it comes to
intricate details of Linux, he's not aware of how to do much.

The first thing he tried doing for me was to install jpeg-6b.  I set it up
in my home directory and pointed out where it was at for him plus the basic
instructions which are:

""If you are on a Unix machine, you may not need to read this file at all.
Try doing
 make test
If that doesn't complain, do
 make install
(better do "make -n install" first to see if the makefile will put the files
where you want them).  Read further if you run into snags or want to
the code for your system.""

My webmasters response:

""Hmmm...what exactly are we doing that root wouldn't have permission to do?

Here's what I got:

[root@host jpeg-6b]# ./configure
bash: ./configure: Permission denied""

So  my question is, why is this getting a permission denied and what can I
tell to do to fix it?


There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, the seas
sleep, and the rivers dream; people made of smoke, and cities made of
song.  Somewhere there's danger; somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere
else the tea is getting cold!  Come on Ace, we've got work to do!